Painstaking, pedantic, and precise. The products from Knick are based on typically German characteristics. This is exactly why Knick has become a world leader – in electrical isolation, process analytics, and loop-powered digital indicators, for example. Exceptional and striking – with a smile. Knick wanted its new image brochure and the market launch of two new product families to meet this description. This is why the company decided to work with Casser+Partner.
With strikingly personalized brochures in six languages, messages with a smile, and an exceptionally self-confident tone, we put our finger on the pulse of business customers – establishing Knick’s image as a market leader in a new, economical segment in the process.
With the new ProLine P 50000 series, Knick quality became available for use in rail vehicles for the very first time. Casser+Partner’s memorable product launch at InnoTrans made sure that all the visitors to the world’s largest train trade show were able to experience how a small product could bring about major progress in the sector.
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Michael Casser
Focal areas: Art direction, concept development, consulting
Specialty: Corporate design
Since: 1992
References (excerpt)
BBB Bürgschaftsbank Berlin-Brandenburg, Bombardier Transportation, Bucher Verlag, CityCards, D&CO, DEHA Einrichtungen, DPI, DeTeLine, Deutsche Telekom, Finanzen Verlag, GrundkreditBank, HIGHYAG Lasertechnik, Hirsch + Lorenz, Institute for Leadership Dynamics, KB PowerTech, Knick Messtechnik, Kunstforum in der GrundkreditBank, Laserline, Lost Squadron Recovery, minimum Einrichten, Photonic Tools, Pur Aqua, Rohde Immobilien, Rothe Gartenbau, Schiffselektronik Rostock, Südwest Verlag, snafu, Velotaxi, Volkswagen Coaching, ZAG Personaldienste
Sebastian Riess
Focal areas: Copywriter, text, concept development, consulting
Specialty: Brand communication
Since: 1989
References (excerpt)
BBB Bürgschaftsbank, BITKOM, Bosch, Conrad Electronic, dena, DB Netze, Deutsche Telekom, Telekom Deutschland GmbH, T-Systems; Gesobau, GO!, Hirsch + Lorenz, KB PowerTech, Knick Messtechnik, Laserline, media.connect Brandenburg, Mercedes-Benz, Messe Berlin – AMK, bautec, belektro, Build IT, CMS, conhIT, ehome, IFA, Innotrans, Internationale Grüne Woche, ITB, IT Profits, popkomm, ShowTech; Messe Frankfurt, REQUISIS, Rothe Gartenbau, The American Dream, Volkswagen Coaching, ZAG Personaldienste, Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH)
Bea Klenk
Focal areas: Art direction, concept development
Specialty: Editorial Design
Since: 1995
References (excerpt)
Aufbau Verlagsgruppe, Bastei-Lübbe, Beltz, Bergmann + Franz, Der Club, dena, Die Grünen iEP, Dietrich-Reimer-Verlag, Droemer Knaur, Greenlight Media, Fischer, Frechverlag, Kosmos Verlag, Lacroix, minimum Einrichten, Nicolai Verlag, Pendo Verlag, Ravensburger, Rowohlt Verlag, Siemens Business Services, Skandia Deutschland, Tareto Maa, Tchibo, Ullstein Buchverlage, Umschau Buchverlag, Verlagsgruppe Oetinger, Verlag Walter de Gruyter