This is where we post smart opinions, serious campaigns, funny videos, and moments of great emotion. All in the service of communication.
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The ardent TV evangelist Kenneth Copeland executes God’s Corona judgment with such brute force that guitarist Andre Antunes saw it as an application video for a brilliant metal track. Is it Black, Power, Thrash, Industrial or even Death Metal? It doesn’t matter, because it’s certainly an entertaining therapy against religious delusions. Can this totally appropriate cultural statement about the state of the American nation make a difference? Copeland’s peer group certainly remains trapped in its filter bubble. Everyone else will feel it as a liberation after four maximally crazy Trump years. When political commentaries are so pointedly to the point, social media develop revolutionary power. More of that! Judgment Is Executed.
Heatstroke during self-regulation.
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The body of a sports car reflects smoking chimneys, traffic jams and crowds of people – until the body melts in front of the eye of the beholder. With the slogan “Time to ride the future” the puristic VanMoof S3 bicycle appears. So far, so harmless. But the French advertising self-regulation authority ARPP decided that the spot should not be shown on TV because of “fear-inducing images of climate change”. Behind the embarrassing heatstroke are probably cool interests, because spots by Greenpeace and Médecins du Monde have already been thwarted with similar arguments. Global warming, at any rate, continues unabated, the ARPP leaders are doing the French economy a disservice – and VanMoof thanks them for the free PR.
“I want you to panic.”
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Greta’s from Sweden, sixteen years old, and skips school on Fridays. Instead, she works Theresa May and the Australian prime minister into a rage – and is getting 20,000 other young people out onto the streets for the school strike. Successful communication, after all, is a question of context. And that’s as true of advertising products as it is of protesting climate change. What Greta Thunberg says is correct, strategically sophisticated, creatively presented, and very much to the point. In other ways, though, it’s nothing new. The huge impact she’s made is not least due to her girlish appearance, which appears to contrast strongly with what she says: “I don’t want you to be hopeful, I want you to panic.” Who would be interested in listening if that came out of the mouth of an ageing climate researcher? See?
the power of giving.
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Christmas. A small boy and a big present. The small boy is Elton John. His new piano inspires his youthful self, sets his life on a course of success, and enchants the whole world with wonderful music. John Lewis & Partners make incredible adverts with intelligent campaigns, lavish catalogues, and modern online marketing. This Christmas advert is even better. Simply story-telling with deep emotion and a fascinating insight: we merely pan left to look back to the past, so it’s nice to see time run backwards for a change.
what truly motivates us.
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Motivation is one of those things – we all have our little prejudices about it. You don’t think so? Then take a look at this interesting little tutorial. It offers some important facts about human motivation as well as an up-to-the-minute basis for good human relations. Straight talking made simple: people are interested in their work, not their salaries, the agency’s resident dog, or free yoga courses. What makes their jobs truly interesting needs to be communicated in exactly the same way: with passion. And yes, Excel spreadsheets can be exciting, too. You don’t think so? Then take a look at the commercial!
Call to Action:
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When was the last time you donated a radiator to Norway? Didn’t you know that poor children freeze to death at minus 40 degrees? Didn’t you realize that trembling Norwegians in crooked wooden huts die of terrible flu viruses and are simply unable to cope with their own problems? Show a heart and get your old radiator out of the basement! After all, young Africans do too. With the campaign “Radi-Aid: Africa for Norway” Norwegian students show how funny and sovereign you can criticize the stereotypes of the international aid and donation industry or the charitable patronizing of music projects like “Band-Aid”. With videos, promotion materials, social media guides and annual awards, the campaign ensures many clicks, likes and exciting resonance in countless media: The Table has turned!
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Michael Casser
Focal areas: Art direction, concept development, consulting
Specialty: Corporate design
Since: 1992
References (excerpt)
BBB Bürgschaftsbank Berlin-Brandenburg, Bombardier Transportation, Bucher Verlag, CityCards, D&CO, DEHA Einrichtungen, DPI, DeTeLine, Deutsche Telekom, Finanzen Verlag, GrundkreditBank, HIGHYAG Lasertechnik, Hirsch + Lorenz, Institute for Leadership Dynamics, KB PowerTech, Knick Messtechnik, Kunstforum in der GrundkreditBank, Laserline, Lost Squadron Recovery, minimum Einrichten, Photonic Tools, Pur Aqua, Rohde Immobilien, Rothe Gartenbau, Schiffselektronik Rostock, Südwest Verlag, snafu, Velotaxi, Volkswagen Coaching, ZAG Personaldienste
Sebastian Riess
Focal areas: Copywriter, text, concept development, consulting
Specialty: Brand communication
Since: 1989
References (excerpt)
BBB Bürgschaftsbank, BITKOM, Bosch, Conrad Electronic, dena, DB Netze, Deutsche Telekom, Telekom Deutschland GmbH, T-Systems; Gesobau, GO!, Hirsch + Lorenz, KB PowerTech, Knick Messtechnik, Laserline, media.connect Brandenburg, Mercedes-Benz, Messe Berlin – AMK, bautec, belektro, Build IT, CMS, conhIT, ehome, IFA, Innotrans, Internationale Grüne Woche, ITB, IT Profits, popkomm, ShowTech; Messe Frankfurt, REQUISIS, Rothe Gartenbau, The American Dream, Volkswagen Coaching, ZAG Personaldienste, Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH)
Bea Klenk
Focal areas: Art direction, concept development
Specialty: Editorial Design
Since: 1995
References (excerpt)
Aufbau Verlagsgruppe, Bastei-Lübbe, Beltz, Bergmann + Franz, Der Club, dena, Die Grünen iEP, Dietrich-Reimer-Verlag, Droemer Knaur, Greenlight Media, Fischer, Frechverlag, Kosmos Verlag, Lacroix, minimum Einrichten, Nicolai Verlag, Pendo Verlag, Ravensburger, Rowohlt Verlag, Siemens Business Services, Skandia Deutschland, Tareto Maa, Tchibo, Ullstein Buchverlage, Umschau Buchverlag, Verlagsgruppe Oetinger, Verlag Walter de Gruyter